Fluid Brain
Ideas that make you stop and think.
The Fluid Brain is a series of random pieces that make you stop. Stop and think.
Business is all about hurly burly, peak hour traffic. Every now and then you'll
find yourself careening in places where you don't really want to be.
And you need a gentle tug back to more than reality. You need to get into the
world of sanity.
- Is Business Starting To Be A Burden?
- Why Time Eludes You
- Lucidity at 4:13am
- Why Gravity Can Ruin (or Make) Your Business
- Can Tail-Gaiting Make You A Clone?
- The Importance of Accepting A Thank You
- Why The 2-Second Rule Lets Customers Like You Better
- The Misery Club Welcomes Members
- Scared of Greatness?
- The Economy of Greatness
- Why You Need To Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty
- The ‘Logs in the Fire’ Success Code
- Why No Job Or Assignment Is Great Forever
- Why Audio Learning Could Be Making You Deaf
- Direct Mail: How To Get Results Without Changing A Word
- How To Learn Photoshop Faster
- Vacation is part of work
- How To Attend 30 Workshops A Year
- The Real Secret of Focus
- The Monkey’s Curse
- Why You’re Better Off NOT Winning The Lottery
- What Sustains Motivation?
- When Do You Ignore A Customer?
- When Business Goes Slow
- Why The Olympics Start on Time–And Your Marketing Project Stalls
- Why We Get Upset
- These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things
- Would You Invite Your Client To Dinner?
- Reclaiming Your Life
- Why We Won’t Quit (Even When It’s Obvious We’ve Made A Mistake)
- Your Hard Disk Isn’t Big Enough For the World’s Problems
- The Tale of The Moving Tree
- Why You Shouldn’t Believe In The Economy
- Life Is Teaching. Are You Listening?
- The Folly of Working on Your Weaknesses
- Why Weeds Have My Respect
- Why We Fail
- Why Your System May Have More Flaws Than You Think
- The Biggest Learning of the Year
- The Saga of The Dehydrated Brain
- Why Bootstrapping May Be Injurious To Your Small Business
- How to Get Rid of Tyre-Kickers
- Let’s Just Get To The Bottom Of This Hill, Mr.Frodo
- The Power of a Black List
- How To Bypass A Brain Virus (And Acquire A Talent)
- The curse of the 10,000 hour ‘talent study’
- Why Stevie Wonder Doesn’t Learn By Reading
- Why Lack of Talent Can’t Be Blamed on Genes.
- Why education won’t make you more time (or money)
- The 15-Minute Principle
- How To Make Use Of Dead Time
- Why Incompetency Sucks Up Time
- How Lack of Planning Wastes Chunks of Time
- The Battery Factor: Why We Drain Our Abilities
- Are We Asking The Wrong Questions About Cancer?
- The Amazing Intelligence of Crows
- Classical Music With Shining Eyes
- Diet: Your Genes Are Not Your Fate
- The Myth of Focus
- The Importance of Doing Nothing
- Success: Best of 2007: Why We Fail
- Success: Best of 2007: The Importance of Appreciating Yourself
- Success: Best of 2007:Why Code Is More Important Than Genetics In Learning
- Success: Best of 2007: The Fear Of Success
- Fluid Brain: Best of 2007: Reclaiming Your Life
- Fluid Brain: Best of 2007: The Importance of Doing Nothing
- Fluid Brain: Best of 2007: Why Vacation is part of work
- Fluid Brain: Best of 2007: Why The Brain Needs Relaxation
- The Fear Of Success
- Brain: The Myth of ‘Last-Minute-Inspiration’
- Brain: Why The Brain Needs Relaxation
- Will You Become A ‘Sean D’Souza’ Clone?
- What Is Greatness?
- Pace vs. Potential
- What’s Your Destiny Looking Like?
- A Lesson From Watching Paint Dry
- A Misalignment In Your Purpose:The Ten Pin Story
- The Importance of Appreciating Yourself
- The Mango Tree And Destiny
- So Does Genetics Play A Role? Or Is It Irrelevant?