Fluid Brain
Ideas that make you stop and think.
The Fluid Brain is a series of random pieces that make you stop. Stop and think.
Business is all about hurly burly, peak hour traffic. Every now and then you'll
find yourself careening in places where you don't really want to be.
And you need a gentle tug back to more than reality. You need to get into the
world of sanity.
- Why Code Is More Important Than Genetics In Learning
- The Illusion of Knowledge
- Tipping Point? : There is no one tipping point
- Stress Management:Why We Need To Take A Break
- How The Tribal In You Causes You To Procrastinate
- How To Be Stressed Out
- What The Second Law Of Physics Has To Do With Your Success
- How To Beat A Recession
- Downsize Me: A Lesson In Education
- The Rule of Seven: How We Make Purchasing Decisions
- 6 Years Ago…Starting Up
- The Flywheel: How Change Really Happens
- The Day We Crossed $10,000 A Month