How To Series
Welcome to the How-To Series. You will find details on all aspects of running a business. Both for you as a business owner and for the business itself. Before you start make sure you have paper and pencil ready to make notes.
This is what I recommend:
- Pick the topic that is most relevant to you today. Then read through all the articles in that series. Make notes on how you are going to implement what you are learning.
- Start up a 21 day ‘Taking Action Post’. This is one of the best ways to get ahead. And you will have other members to help you to reach your goals.
- I am sure you will also have questions once you start reading and making notes. So head to the forum to ask your question.
- And if you are unsure about anything, email Renuka or me and we will help. Remember there are no silly questions.
Enjoy the series.
P.S. If you find any link not working, please email Renuka and she will fix it.
- How-To Series: Personal Development
- How-To Series: Starting a Business and Getting Ahead
- How-To Series: Brain Audit Related Topics (How to Get and Keep Clients)
- How-To Series: Pricing
- How-To Series: Email Marketing, SEO and Social Media
- How-To Series: Article Writing
- How-To Series: Creating Info Products, Books, Booklets and Reports
- How-To Series: Sales Pages/Landing Pages
- How-To Series: Podcasting
- How-To Series: Teaching, Coaching, Interviewing, Workshops and Presentations
- How-To Series: Technology and Quick Systems
- How-To Series: Good Reads