What are the triggers that cause customer to buy?
What can you be the best in the world at?
Read all about the psychological triggers that motivate you and your customers in this section.
This is what I recommend:
- Have a look at the ‘How-To-Series’ section first. The‘How-To-Series’ covers in detail what you can do for your personal development. You will find detailed series on: goal setting, do-to list, power of external deadlines, etc.
- Then come back to this page daily. Spend 15 minutes and read a few of the articles. The articles are quite short and easy to implement.
- I am sure you will have questions once you start reading and making notes. So head to the forum to ask your question.
- And if you are unsure about anything, email Renuka or me and we will help. Remember there are no silly questions.
Message and request from Renuka
We have just done a major upgrade, and there are thousands of pages on the site. It is very difficult to check every page. When you come across links that are broken, can you do me a small favour? Please send me the webpage where the links are located. I will fix all the broken links.
Email: renuka@psychotactics.com
- Why Time Eludes You
- Is Business Starting To Be A Burden?
- Why Gravity Can Ruin (or Make) Your Business
- Why You Need To Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty
- Why The 2-Second Rule Lets Customers Like You Better
- The Misery Club Welcomes Members
- The Importance of Accepting A Thank You
- The Economy of Greatness
- Scared of Greatness?
- Lucidity at 4:13am
- Can Tail-Gaiting Make You A Clone?
- Why No Job Or Assignment Is Great Forever
- The ‘Logs in the Fire’ Success Code
- Why Audio Learning Could Be Making You Deaf
- Vacation is part of work
- How To Learn Photoshop Faster
- Direct Mail: How To Get Results Without Changing A Word
- How To Attend 30 Workshops A Year
- Why Customers Say One Thing And Do Another
- The Real Secret of Focus
- The Monkey’s Curse
- Why Customers Haggle
- Why You’re Better Off NOT Winning The Lottery
- When Do You Ignore A Customer?
- What Sustains Motivation?
- Why The Olympics Start on Time–And Your Marketing Project Stalls
- When Business Goes Slow
- How To Structure A Post-Sales Thank You That Works
- Why Seamlessness Gets Your Business Moving Ahead
- Creating Treasure Hunts to Increase Consumption
- How to give customers a guarantee
- Getting The Client To Ask The ‘What’s the difference Question’Is A Vital Factor In Sales
- Why We Get Upset
- These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things
- A Fool-Proof Guide To Seduction (For Marketers)
- Your Hard Disk Isn’t Big Enough For the World’s Problems
- Would You Invite Your Client To Dinner?
- Why We Won’t Quit (Even When It’s Obvious We’ve Made A Mistake)
- Reclaiming Your Life
- A Simple, Yet Powerful Negotiation Tactic To Get Better Rates
- The Choice between Yes and Yes: A Psychological Revelation
- Why The ‘Yes and Yes’ Factor Fails (And How To Fix It)
- Why 15 Minutes of Fame Last Only 15 Minutes (And How To Extend It)
- The Tale of The Moving Tree
- How Time On Site Correlates to Purchases
- Why The ‘Noise Factor’ Can Kill Your Sale In Seconds
- The Shortcut To Get A Strategic Alliance’s Attention
- How Do You Fix An Objection You Know Nothing About?
- How To Make Your Client Remember Your Contact Details…Forever!
- Why Your Target Audience Needs to Be A Moving Car
- The Connection between the Dollars and Customisation
- Why You Shouldn’t Believe In The Economy
- How To Re-Look Your Target Audience: The Ipod Way
- Why using tentative words will reduce your profits
- Your Price Is Too High: Dealing with Price Objections Successfully
- Why Weeds Have My Respect
- The Folly of Working on Your Weaknesses
- Life Is Teaching. Are You Listening?
- Why We Fail
- Why Are Customers So Indecisive?
- Is Your Marketing Missing The Cookie Factor?
- Why Problem Based Positioning Is A Psychological Magnet
- Is Nature A Marketing Guru?
- Understanding the Psychology behind American Idol
- Ten Minutes Later, Your Customer Won’t Buy
- Who Is Your Real Competition?
- The Power of Why: Your Psychological Ally To Marketing Success!
- Is Your Marketing Solution Your Biggest Problem?
- Why Your System May Have More Flaws Than You Think
- Why Bootstrapping May Be Injurious To Your Small Business
- The Saga of The Dehydrated Brain
- The Biggest Learning of the Year
- Let’s Just Get To The Bottom Of This Hill, Mr.Frodo
- How to Get Rid of Tyre-Kickers
- Does your marketing strategy ever drive up to Echo Point?
- How Do You Spell Success?
- The Fundamental Flaw in Creating Your Uniqueness (USP)
- The Curse of Choice
- Why Demonstration Compels Customers To Buy
- Are Your Headlines Missing These Precise Psychological Triggers?