Two might be company in life, but in communication you can go all the way to three and still have a rollicking party. If you step over to four however, it’s quite likely that you’ve stepped into the hara-kiri zone. Back up that truck a bit and learn how the power of ‘3’ has the ability to make your communication soar.
Here’s a psychological test. Lay out 10 business cards in a row and choose three that catch your attention instantly. Now don’t cheat. Do this before you continue reading this article and you’ll be quite amazed at the results.

Most of us are always presenting or selling to someone else. The proof of the pudding is always in the eating. But the taste buds start to salivate only when it looks really YUM! If you choose to ignore the psychology behind this, your ‘dish’ might taste wonderful, but you may never get someone to stay long enough to eat.
This also helps you keep a check on your designers. Good designers instinctively get this right, but sometimes they goof up big time. You can run this audit past your marketing material and check for elements, fonts and colours.
Heeeeeeeeeere are some Examples!