Don’t worry. Within the course of this marketing article, you will find out just what it is that gets your clients attention and how to keep that attention, by shifting your marketing strategy from solutions to problems.
When you ask someone what they do, they usually spit out their process that they see as being a solution to your problems. So a person who cuts trees and mows lawns would say, ” I cut trees and mow lawns.”
Always Work With A Problem
If you notice people around you, all of them are beset with problems. If you were to stand up and say, “Who has a cold that they just can’t fix?”, you will get about 6-7 hands going up instantly.
The Beauty Of Problems
Solutions fall far short of the mark. Problems however go the full distance and more. If you noticed, in the previous example, I had two target audiences. One was the immediate target-the ones with the cold. The other- was the ones who were going to get the cold (no doubt from their illustrious colleagues). The secondary audience has no need for my product because it doesn’t have the problem. But in a week or so, as the germs move homes, the second audience too will be potential customers.
Your First Task Is To Qualify The Problem
Find out what is your current client’s problem and then call their attention by reconstructing your statement in a problem-solution-target audience sequence.
Be Aware Of Your Specific Target Audience
Ask anyone who their customers are, and they usually say everyone. Then take a look at the newspaper classifieds. Businesses are always looking for specific positions to hire, people are always specifying exactly the kind of person they would like to meet in the personals.
An Example That You Can Learn From…
One of the recent advertising campaigns that has done well to learn the concept of sacrifice is Jeans West. They have sacrificed colour, style and any other tags that competitors are running. They focus totally on their positioning which is Fits Best. The ads go on to demonstrate the price of time. One woman says, “These jeans cost me 2 hours.” Another says, “These jeans cost me 45 minutes.”
Solution: Finding the right fit in no time at all
Target Audience: Jean lovers that need the right fit
Empower Me, Don’t Tell Me!
I get e-mail from a travel agent every now and then. In the e-mail he gives me information that I could get just about any where. It has prices of airfares, new destinations and other such things that I could find with a little help from the newspapers or the Internet. Notice there’s no problem there. It’s all about solution, solution, solution.
How People Respond
Every problem is a trigger and when people run into that situation, they respond to your solution. Be sure, however, that the solution is not a passing fad, here today and gone tomorrow.
Your Strategic Action Plan
1) Find the unique solution you provide.
2) Differentiate it from all your obvious competition.
3) Find out the problem it throws up.
4) Target your audience very carefully.
5) To stay top of mind, give out information that throws up problems for which you provide solutions.
See the problem? See the solution. Great communication in advertising comes from great marketing. And great problems!