Websites are a waste of money and time. Well most of them are. Most people go online for just one reason– Get Information. Yet, what do you see at most websites? Portfolio!
1)It gives information, and builds credibility.
2)It builds the brand and allows you to earn off the brand.
3)It builds customer loyalty.
4)It allows customers to use it as a suggestion box. It's not a perfect world and customers should be encouraged to let you know what can be fixed.
5)It should achieve basic marketing principles. It should be solving a problem and aimed at a specific target audience.
6)It should generate its own income like any profit centre. It should justify its reason for existing.
Consider these factors as important benchmarks for creating a website. If your website doesn’t do these things, you have to question, why not?
2)Data Collection
3)Information Source
4)Feedback and Complaints
7)Fan Club
8)Associated Tools
9)Meet the Basics of Communication
While it’s all very fine to be a charitable institution, a website costs money. Which person or organization in their right sense would spend US$50 for no return? There would be questions to answer and heads would roll.
Yes, even schools, hospitals and other organizations can use their websites to make money, and then use the money for a good cause. Charity and good causes are all very fine, but everything costs money. If you can generate revenue, there is no reason on earth why you shouldn't be doing so.
It’s not what you say, it's how you say it. Website design is not about design, it's about thought process. Websites are but a tool to get information that builds the brand further. Articles and material that help the person browsing the site can achieve this.
A website imparting information appeals to two simultaneous audiences. It speaks to your current audience like a newsletter or brochure would and it also speaks to a potential audience.
This is also a good system to use when you want to capture business from competition. You don't always have to be #1 with your client. If you don't have the business, keep plugging at your #2 position and someday #1 will stumble. When that happens, you get an opportunity to move in. Don't always look at everything as a sale situation. People have innate fears about change. Imparting good information marks you out as a credible, trustworthy source and their desire to work with you will go up as you keep giving them nuggets of useful information.
This is one of the most important and inexpensive tools to corner your target audience. If a person feels the connection and you lead them through the right steps, they will invariably feel the need to get more information.
How To Get The Data Off Your Customers
The only way to get them to part with their e-mail address is to first establish your credibility and then offer something in return. However, once you have their e-mail address and their permission, you can turn your website into a wonderful marketing machine as long as you don't overdo it.
Is Your Website Built For Complaints?
You build a car with all the features. You paint it black. The customer wants it red. You try to sell the black car and face resistance. You call the customer stupid and go on trying to promote your black car. We all do this. We decide that's what we need to promote. The customer on the other hand would like something else that fulfils their needs. We never stop to ask. Ever!
Is Your Website Sitting In A Box?
How are you going to promote your website? While most websites rely on getting to the top of the search engines, you may not have that need. You may have a very specific targeted audience you want to reach. That audience would never search for your website online. They would have to know it, or never find it at all.
If It’s Worth Building, It’s Worth Renovating
Most organizations make changes to their business to keep competitive. Yet, they think nothing of keeping the website stagnant for 50+ years. (Ok, I'm exaggerating, but on the web 1 year= 10 normal years)
Are You Signing Autographs Yet?
Most organizations survive on their fan club. People who love you so much, that they're willing to talk about you to everyone in sight. Many organizations have clients that are well spread out.
Looking Beyond A Website
Too many people are taken up with the glamour of websites. Websites are just a façade. You must understand the technology that drives business.
If you want to build a website, or do a brochure or have any form of communication, understand the basics of psychology. We are all driven by similar needs and wants.