Are you totally confused with the information you get on Internet Marketing?
Let’s face it. If Internet Marketing isn’t driving you loco — it will. Sooner or later, you’ll get more confused than ever. And when the human brain gets confused, it shuts down. It puts a wall up and refuses to listen.
The problem is that by not listening, you’re losing out It’s a Catch-22 situation. Research all over the world is starting to show some very definite trends. People are watching less TV, going for less drives and spending more time on the Internet. And more money too. So you’re in a quandary. You can’t NOT have a website. And if you do have a website, who are you going to believe? How do you get your website to work for you instead of just sitting lazily on your server? How do you trust what you’re reading or listening to? And how much do you have to read and listen to, before some one makes it easy for you? What you need is some sanity in the chaos A systematic, simple approach that you can follow to create a website that works. A website that does all three of the following. 1) Attracts a steady stream of customers. 2) Getting these customers to buy into your product and service. 3) Then creating loyal, raving fans out of these customers and keep them coming back to buy more. Introducing the Psychology of Successful Websites: A Trilogy The art of Creating a Website That Makes Money. It’s a teleconference series where you will be exposed to a comprehensive, no-holds barred information of the following. 1) The Psychology of a Powerful Website 2) The Psychology of Selling Products & Services Successfully 3) The Psychology of Creating Loyal, Raving Fans The Psychology of a Powerful Website 1) The myth of Instant Riches on the Internet. 2) Why do most websites look like wallflowers? How can you create one that people can’t help but revisit? 3) How to drive the customer from the landing page to the sales page? Why most websites confuse clients. 4) What are the design considerations at play? How do you psychologically get them to follow a pre-defined path? 5) Which factors create credibility online? What turns people off? What do you absolutely need to have and what can you drop? 6) How do you build trust with customers? 7) What’s the one factor that will save you thousands of dollars, yet almost every website without exception, totally ignores it? 8) How do you start up a website? What do you do first? What are the biggest issues to consider? Even if you do have a website, you may be ignoring these vital issues. 9) How do you get a steady stream of subscribers to your website without paying a cent in advertising or publicity? 2) The Psychology of Selling Products & Services Successfully 1) Why bother with e-commerce? Why it’s important. 2) The Three Pronged System. How it will change the way you look at your business forever. 3) Which types of products can you sell online? Which can’t you sell but still drive through your website? Is there anything you can’t sell online? Our case studies will amaze you. 4) Are you fumbling with Credit cards? If you’re just starting up, how can you avoid paying huge sums of money upfront? Which credit card systems are reliable and why? 5) How to psychologically motivate customers to buy from you all the time. The Power of sequential selling and why your customers will thank you for it. 6) Why packaging is such a vital issue and why you’re possibly losing out big time by not using some time-tested income generation systems. 7) How to create a perpetual flow of income from your website. 8) Why partners are so vital to your business and how you simply cannot do without them. 3) The Psychology of Creating Loyal, Raving Fans 1) Why your existing clients are your biggest asset. And how you can make them your raving fans. 2) Why Education plays a huge role in this process. How much should you give away? How much should you keep? 3) The Psychology of Consumption and how it plays a vital role in you keeping your customers loyal. 4) How can you create a community? What are the benefits? And what effort is required? 5) How can you get a regular stream of referrals? How do you make sure this isn’t random, and extremely focused? 6) Do you have a system that measures how you go about things? Learn the ‘How Many Times out of Ten’ System that will absolutely ensure your success, if you follow it. 7) Why constant contact with customers will make you extremely rich over time. And how you can use all of these online concepts in your offline business. So what makes PsychoTactics qualified to conduct a teleconference on a subject so vast? Proof. It’s impossible to speak on these subjects unless you’ve been in the thick of it. In little over a year, PsychoTactics has gone from a website that generated little or no income, to a site that now does over $100,000 a year. And that’s not counting workshops and ancillary services that are marketed to the website. All of these systems have been tested rigorously and proven. Mostly, against all odds. When you sign in, you get the same information. Strategy and tactics that really work in the real world. What you get: 360 Minutes of Scripted Information 1) The Psychology of a Powerful Website 2) The Psychology of Selling Products & Services Successfully 3) The Psychology of Creating Loyal, Raving Fans (Note: This audio is not a random blah-blah session. It’s a carefully scripted session and questions are only taken after each section. So there is a constant stream of pre-mediated ideas that you’ll quickly jump onto!) You get a special extra discount as a member Bonus #1: The Power of Measurement by Steve Jackson In this 60-90 big bonus session Steve Jackson, Conversion Chronicles shows you how to use the Power of Measurement In an action packed 60-90 minute interview, we’ll cover three main facets of online measurement 1) Setting Measurable Goals 2) Conversion and Experimentation 3) Measurement tools for maximum efficiency. And just in case you thought we’d stop there…here’s more. Bonus #2: Search Engine Secrets Jenn Weeks, Search Engine Optimiser extraordinaire, uses a very systematic system to get search engines to look at her client’s sites. And she works mostly with large companies. In this 60-90 minute interview, Jenn reveals the 10 Mistakes most websites make. These mistakes make it extremely hard for Search Engines to find you. Find out exactly what these nasty, little mistakes are and how you can squelch them into the ground. Bonus #3:Ebooklets: Three Ebooklets that explain very vital concepts. They not only cover very important issues to do with Websites but some very precise concepts on how to run your business. And there’s three of them that accompany, elaborate and expand on the audio files. Bonus #4:Handouts: You also get handouts for the session itself. These handouts help you plan and follow the sessions without wondering what was covered in each audio.——————————————————————————– “I was very hesitant while signing up for this Trilogy. After all, I am an old hand at web designing and my web sites are pulling quite well. But these few sessions have changed my outlook completely. I am having a fresh look at all my sites and guess what – I know I can do so much better when I will apply the principles discussed. Sean, you have the power to change lives. Bravo!”Arun Agrawal, www.SEOtop10.com ——————– “The web trilogy really is one of the very best things since freshly baked bread with sesame seeds, plum tomatoes, olive oil plus tax. When someones information is working for you and you’re not damaging yours or anybody else’s health you don’t really care about their unproven opinion. So, for me personally I’d recommend all of Sean’s products. In fact I do and my partners have replied “Haidon, do you think we need help?” Well I’m not a doctor but if you want to know the mind of your customer then just check him out.” Haidon Carter aka The Video Guru. www.p2mn.com—————————— “When I first heard of the Trilogy, I incorrectly assumed that you would cover material that I’ve already heard. My hat is off to you. This is core Internet business information that every web designer should know before touching any coding books. And current web designers should study your material and pretend that they already knew it! If you are seriously interested in helping your customers succeed with their web sites, you must understand and use the concepts presented in the Web Site Trilogy. I know. I know. Most of us are studying from sun up to sun down. It’s never ending, but this material something you cannot skip.” Tricia Littlefield Business Owner, Webgloo, Web Design —————————– What you get: 360 Minutes of Non-Stop Vital Information 1) The Psychology of a Powerful Website 2) The Psychology of Selling Products & Services Successfully 3) The Psychology of Creating Loyal, Raving Fans Big Bonuses: 180 Minutes of Bonus Key Issues by Experts If you went to a workshop, 450 minutes would translate into a whole 9 hours of information. That’s more than a whole day of being at a seminar or workshop! And when was the last time you paid so little for a mind-bending workshop? Plus this information you’re about to receive isn’t some wishy washy stuff. It’s simple, powerful strategy, tactics and years of hard work and knowledge that’s been tested and proven time and time again. That’s not all. If you’re in the consulting/training/website based business you’ll get advice you can pass on to your clients as well. Not only will it be useful for your own business and website, but it will make you more insightful when talking to clients about their websites as well. Why not investing in this Trilogy could cost you a lot of moneyIf you choose to use it, your website will improve dramatically. Your systems will change overnight. And you’ll see the results almost instantly. Imagine having a website that costs you upwards of $2000 and at least $5000 over the next 2-3 years. If you get this information wrong, you’ll be wasting all of that money. Don’t make that mistake. Take a decision that’s risk-free! Remember, there’s no risk to you as this trilogy is 100% guaranteed. If you don’t find dozens of psychological web tactics and strategies, and don’t get amazing value, please, please, please ask for your money back. And I’ll refund it with a smile. 🙂 Invest in the Trilogy today. Don’t wait till it’s too late.Get a whole 25% off as a member. NOTE:The Trilogy is only available in the full format. It will not be available as separate audio files. Why? Because it’s totally pointless to give you just part of the story, part of the secret. You may save a few bucks but it won’t benefit you in the long run. This way you get the complete information in all its detail, without the blanks. And if you’re hesitating, look at the testimonials on the right. You cannot, but get excellent value. Where can you get such powerful information for $25 per session? If you think it’s expensive… Just remember this. It costs, way, way more than the price below to create a website. If you’ve already created your website, or are in the process of creating a new website, and want to learn more about why some websites work better, then this is the choice you’ve got to make. In the long run, not having all the relevant information is more dicey, more scary. Like all the products I’ve put out before, this one has loads of tips and information. In fact, it goes way beyond just websites. You’ll see it, hear it and feel that intensity when you download it. And yes, it’s absolutely guaranteed. As always. So there’s no risk to you. Take the decision and make your website what you always intended it to be.
Important: If the system doesn’t accept your credit card or if you have any questions that have been unanswered, email me by clicking on the question button and I will call you personally. Don’t forget to include your telephone number and a time to call you. |
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Client Testimonials “Thanks for a great class. I found much of this information exceptionally valuable and am going I really like when you give actual examples from your own business. I often suspect information I get about “success” in various forms is theoretical. To hear you have actually done it, makes it feel “do-able”. ” Lola Scobey, Colorado Springs, CO, “Because of all the information you have provided, I am nearing completion of planning for my web site. From you, I understand the value of planning and am using it. I expect to have my site up and running in about 3 to 4 weeks. I have read countless other e-books that proclaim to provide Personally, I am tired Even though you do not have an affiliate program at this time, I will still be sending people to you. I want to stop wasting people’s time who sincerely I have learned a LOT from you, and I thank you for that!!!” “When I bought the Psychological Secrets I thought I would get exactly what you advertised in your promotional material.
Stuff equalto the quality of your articles. What I did get was lots of insightful material plus overall viewpoint of the strategy of a small business, as well as design, copywriting, and operational tactics and details.
For me it is the beginnings of a way to translate the business goal intoa practical design. The step by step observations onwhat’s in it for the customer, what you want them to do, and how to design the website to support that process. And yes, I would recommend it. I don’t know anywhere else to get this kind of education. And it is education by example.”
“After listening to the teleclass, I gained Sean D’Souza has a way of explaining things that brings into high relief the changes necessary to improve not only our brochures but also our live sales presentations. Spending time with him is well worth it, and I recommend it highly!”
“I started listening on my PC, and found it so compelling that I downloaded the audio files, and put them on my PDA to keep listening when I went out. (I even removed Bob Marley’s “Buffalo Soldier” and Monthy Pythons “How Do You Tell A Witch” skit to make room ! ) I’ve listened to the three main parts so far. Sean, what you have provided are the missing pieces of information that explains WHY things should be done in a certain way. (ie Newsletter frequency, giveaways, forum, etc.) Incidentally, I loved the story of your father lecturing to an empty room. I’ve often wondered whether I’m wasting time and effort responding in great detail to one person’s queries.
You’ve confirmed that it is, and also given me ideas on how to use that same response elsewhere. The “3 prong” strategic approach is also something that I’ve been aware of, but not really done anything about. Now I’m working out how to implement it. Sean, the finer points of what you were saying just kept thudding into my brain and providing explanations and reasons for stuff that I thought I already knew – but didn’t really. I feel like a cook who was missing a few vital ingredients – which you have provided. I’ve always tended to follow “the path less travelled”, sometimes to the extent that I’ve wondered whether there is a path there at all. Your gift has made me realised that the path IS there, and that it’s worth following. Thank You.” “I’ve got my work cut I’ll be spending a lot of time adjusting my sites in line with the psychological triggers you talked about, and I expect to see big improvements in my response. The teleconference was well structured, with clear advice about how I should be presenting my sales material. I made notes as long as my arm. I only wish I’d heard this 12 months ago.” Steve Shaw
“I didn’t expect to learn anything spectacular before the trilogy.
Sean covered the a-z of websites in those 3 sessions. The most important thing I learned was to treat clients like royalty. Sean explained it all in a clear, precise and easy way. Besides the teleseminar, the ebooks and audio reports on the trilogy, search engine and measurement were invaluable, and of course the forum too.
I would highly recommend the trilogy. Most websites are not maximized. The trilogy will help others focus on maximizing their sites. Sean under-promises
“I found your teleclass exceptional, and I am using your training to revamp our web site and marketing There isn’t anything I could suggest, since I found your expertise was evident throughout the presentation. It was a superb learning experience. Thanks for the great advice which is of immeasurable value! “ Randy Guffey