These are special offers by Cavers for Cavers.
1) You’ll have to send me a link so that I can check out the offer for myself.
2) It’s imperative that you actually make an offer that’s not available to the general public. A discount or a bonus has a nice ring to it.
3) ALL offers must go through me. Please DO NOT post the offer on the forum. Just email it to me via the ticket system. Make sure your offer has value. The better your product/service, the better you’ll be recommended.
Cavers get a secret, unpublished additional $30.00 discount. Total savings of $130.00.
Follow this special link, which activates a secret discount not available to the general public. The discount doesn’t even show on the page – that’s how secret it is!
The magic happens when you click a “buy” link. Rather than take you straight to the order processing page, you are asked for your “coupon code”. Enter “cavechat” (all lowercase, all one word) and you will be magically transported to your special, secret, reduced price ordering page. You save $130.
Here’s the link: Simplified Selling and remember your coupon code: cavechat.
Part of our LockTel business is with Toll-Free numbers. We have them for Australian clients (1300/1800) and for NZ clients (0800) and for many other countries and we terminate these calls anywhere in the world. E.g. we have a client in Brisbane whose FreeFax number is in New Zealand. We have clients in New Zealand who have an Australian Toll-Free number (e.g. resorts like to advertise an Aussie number that actually terminates at their NZ resort for direct booking)
Now, under these circumstances with each client’s needs being different, the offer must be a little nebulous. However, the bottom line is that I will give a genuinely competitive discount to any 5000BC member who identifies themselves as such.
E.g. In Australia the normal cost of setting up a 1300 number via Telstra is $99. I will charge Zero for setup or porting of an Aussie number. The number rental is $25-45/month with Telstra: our normal cost is 19.95. For 5000BC members I’ll do it for $15/month.
Our Toll-Free calls are also a LOT cheaper than the big telcos. Anyway, see http://locknet.com.au/promo/5000BC/ where I have set it all out.
You may check out all the features at:
I would like to offer your customers 1 month of service absolutely free.
Unique Thank You Cards for Your Clients
These cards make great thank yous, as they are mostly scenic pictures plus a few flowers which are pretty safe subjects. The card design is simple so they appeal to both men and women. All the photographic images are my own work.
You can see the range at:
I currently offer 24 cards for £27.50, but for cave members I would offer trade prices. So 75p a card plus £5 to cover postage & packing costs = £23, so saving £4.50 on the pack or £19 if they had bought the cards individually from me at a show or via the web.
All the cards are individually wrapped and supplied with a matching envelope.
I used a specialist greeting card printer & a very good paper stock to produce the cards.
If a member particularly wants to order hundreds of cards then that too is possible, and we could negotiate a price on that.