Why join 5000bc?
On this page you can meet real people and read their stories and testimonials. And find out what is so unique about 5000bc.
Read the testimonials below. You’ll see exactly what I mean.
Sean D’Souza
P.S. Here are some frequently asked questions.
If you want to be ethical as well as successful in your business, you will absorb a lot of this (practical stuff, not just philopsophy) in 5000bc.

Mara Dall
(And if you want to be more integrated in your business, more yourself – which equates to more relaxed, more productive, generally happier – then you can pick this up from Sean & 5000 BC too).
Psychotactics is about Sean offering himself and his business as a model for you. And 5000BC is the heart of Psychotactics. It’s where everyone who wants to learn more, hangs out.
It’s not that Sean is any sort of guru or master, self-proclaimed or otherwise. But he practices mastery, and that is something much more intriguing. Sean is a master of mastery, if you like. And it’s something that you can have, too.
Help, information, support
If you approach 5000BC as a source of information, well, you will get lots of that, in-depth and top quality too. Sean regularly posts stuff that he later goes on to develop into paid information products, on all sorts of topics.It includes information about setting up a business and marketing it, as well as all the bits and pieces that go into it: putting a website together, writing your sales page, developing your business strategy.But it doesn’t stop there… the most recent “Vanishing Report” was on how to take better photos with your iPhone. (Sean reduced it down to 3 simple, effective tweaks – complete with illustrations, of course.)
I’d say it’s worth joining, just for the information. But there is more…
I’ve learned a lot from the discussions on 5000BC. People ask questions, about their business and all sorts of other things, and I’ve found I can often learn more from these discussions than from a finished instructional report. That’s because you get the full process, not just the finished result. And for me, that’s a much better way to learn & understand something.
There is also a huge amount of guidance and support, from Sean and others, for specific issues you might have about your business and other things as well. If you have questions or want some feedback or support, it’s all available.
Learning through modelling
However, the part that has been most value for me has been the way Sean offers himself up as a model to copy (or modify with your own tweaks). This applies to 5000BC and also to all of the Psychotactics courses (which you will have inside access to, as a 5000BC member).
So here are some of the things you can learn if you approach 5000BC in this way
Sean is a superb teacher – and if you want you can model him and get some of this for yourself: some great ideas about how to teach just about anything.
How to manage your time and energy productively. Sean talks a lot about this, and again, it is mostly stuff he shares about his own process, and what works for him. You might not want to be even half as productive as Sean – his output is truly amazing – but being more efficient has advantages in just about anything you do. And you might find that other strategies work better for you. But you’ll get a lot of ideas about not only specific strategies, but the process as well.
How to stay in integrity in your marketing & your business. Integrity has a lot of connotations and they all fit. It includes the meaning of “ethical”, and going a bit deeper, it is related to the word “integrated” which is a good thing to be too. If you want to be ethical as well as successful in your business, you will absorb a lot of this (practical stuff, not just philopsophy). And if you want to be more integrated in your business, more yourself – which equates to more relaxed, more productive, generally happier – then you can pick this up from Sean & 5000 BC too.
How to use mistakes and feedback to improve your business (or your skill or implementation of anything at all). One of the fascinating things about Sean is that he is completely transparent about everything he does, and shares his mistakes – and how he is working on them. In 5000BC it’s implicit, since your level of participation is up to you. It’s a principle that underpins 5000BC and everything in Psychotactics.
Sean leads by example… he talks about the things he has done right, and the things he has done wrong, and how he has corrected as he gone along. And it’s an ongoing process – I can guarantee that right now (or at some point today – depending on your time zone) Sean is working on improving something, whether it is a piece of writing, a cartoon, a course, or something else.
And because he freely shares his own process, you become more confident about experimenting, making mistakes yourself and learning from them. It’s a simple principle but don’t be fooled – most of us need to be reminded over & over again. Once you get that, the sky is truly the limit… you will discover you can fly!
You don’t have to join 5000BC to learn all of these things – maybe you can get them somewhere else. But they are hard to find, and harder to maintain for yourself.
In business and especially in marketing, I found I was surrounded by people whose core belief and goal is to make more money with less work.
Expertise is packaged as an instant commodity, available on purchase of some e-book or video course. It’s hard to resist the lure of this mindset when you are exposed to it so continuously!
Integrity is powerful stuff, and it sends a clear note out into the world. 5000BC is a community of people who have resonated to this note, and they make it easier to choose integrity for yourself.
I’ve found a lot of value in all of these different aspects of 5000BC. And I haven’t anywhere near explored all of it yet. The gold for me, however, is in being exposed to the practice of mastery and learning how to apply it for myself.
It was hard for me to put in words why I was attracted to 5000BC or what I wanted from it, until I started to understand this. The benefits people talked about didn’t really explain it, for me. But once I realised that there is a ton of deeper stuff that I really, really want, then it all made sense.
So if this resonates with you, give it a go.
There is a lot of stuff on offer: great marketing and business information, community support, personal advice.
And the opportunity to learn about and practice mastery in all sorts of different ways.
When I first saw the link to 5000bc, I skipped right over it. ‘Fluff,’ I thought.

Mackay Rippey,
New York, USA
So what got me to sign up? I wanted to ask Sean some marketing questions directly. I figured it would be worth slogging through the other posts just to read what Sean would say.
Boy, was I surprised?
Not only did Sean respond immediately, but the quality of the other member’s comments and posts was top shelf. The answers to my first question alone were worth the membership fee.
My biggest issue, beside the feeling of being uncomfortable sharing thoughts online, was the language barrier. My language is German. Once I joined, I found that the language barrier was not so much an issue as I thought it might be.

Marek Blaeser
I am not much of a forum type of person. Before 5000bc, I joined a few private Facebook groups of other online marketers, but I never got much out of it.
I now had reached a point where I knew, that I would need more support from other people with somewhat the same goals.
So when I stumbled over your podcast and 5000bc my biggest issue, beside the feeling of being uncomfortable sharing thoughts online, was the language barrier since my language is German.
A couple of weeks after joining 5000bc, together with three other members, we set up a private mastermind group.
Now we meet via Skype on a regular base. This was something I wanted to do for quite some time, but didn’t know where to find the right persons to team up with. Luckily 5000bc solved that for me.
The language is not so much an issue as I thought it might be.
Actually, it is quite some fun for me also to improve my languages skills.
The second result of my membership is that it really speeded me up moving forward and reaching my goals.
The specific feature do I like most about this 5000bc—The possibility to get specific questions answered not only from you but also from others.
Three other benefits about 5000bc:
– The ton of information that is not only to be found in the forum but also in the series and reports.
– The taking action forum
-The great crowd of people.
Yes, I would recommend 5000bc.
For me working in a very technical area, it is very easy to access technical information. But getting great support with marketing questions is something very valuable.
I've never been part of any kind of forum, so I didn't really know what to expect. I didn't know if something like this would help me with my business.

Ulala Nakama,
ARK Coffee Company
Auckland, New Zealand
I also didn’t quite know how little or how much of my time (I didn’t have much to spare) I would need to spend to get the benefits.
I resent any big groups because I am easily intimidated by people so not knowing who else was part of it, I wasn’t too sure if I would be able to handle group discussions.
As a result of joining 5000bc
- First of all, it felt so welcoming. I got an instant feeling of warmth in the emails, which I got every day in the first week of joining.
- Every new email which would come through felt like it was pointed out to me and precisely to my problems and needs.
- I instantly got a great gut feeling that my words/feelings/vulnerability was going to be heard and acknowledged and importantly helped. I soon realized that there were many others going through or could relate from their past of exactly what I was going through.
- I always got a response from someone which gave me a great sense of empathy which is actually quite hard to find on the daily basis.
The specific feature I liked most about 5000bc
I literally can ask any question about the business, and there was an answer/response to help me and guide me in steps. Not big steps but little steps which I can only cope with.
I love all the articles Sean has written about all kinds of stuff. I am absorbing all the information and guidance like a dried up sponge!
Other benefits
—Network globally!
—You can be part of other posts in a very friendly/welcoming manner.
—On point (no gibberish). Very just black and white, which I like.
I would absolutely recommend 5000bc
At any stage of your business life, you can continue to learn and develop your skills, and you can help others with your knowledge.
It’s a very give and given feel on this forum and it’s great to have a safe place where as a business owner more often than not you feel so alone battling this challenge/journey, it’s nice to have people who make you feel like you’re not alone.
Thank you for your kindness and for leading us by example of how to still have a life besides your business!
The members of 5000bc are what make the cave so warm and pleasant. There are people from every field who are members of the Cave.

Ankesh Kothari,
Solo Entrepreneur
Mumbai, India
Member since Feb 2002
Programmers, Designers, Writers, Bed Store owners, Salesmen – almost everyone you can think of. The wide experience of people present in the cave have led to some great conversations and brain storming sessions.
The Cave is one of the best places for virtual masterminding you’ll find online.
I appreciate that people in 5000bc get priority for signing up for courses.

Felicia Gopaul,
I hate waiting. When I want to do something, I want to do it NOW.
It’s one of the reasons why I am a solo entrepreneur, there is no one else I have to ask to get permission to move ahead. I work in an industry that is highly regulated that has very distinct ways things are done. I chauff under those restrictions.
Can you imagine my frustration when I had to pay $10 and then wait 21 days before I could join 5000bc? That crazy man from Psychotactics was making me wait! Aaargh! I almost made the mistake of hitting the back button and moving along. I was so glad that I didn’t.
The $10 was such a low cost barrier that I paid it and then forgot I was on the list until the goodies showed up.
With each goodie, I started to anticipate being a member even more. This is also my second time being a member of 5000bc.
There are three main things I like about being back.
—The community. Some of the people I interacted with several years ago are still very active members of the community. It’s like rediscovering old friends that you haven’t talked to in a while and being able to just pick up the friendship again. I love reconnecting with them and finding that 5000bc has been filled with a bunch more people who are just as helpful and friendly.
—Nothing changed. While I was away, I still was listening to the Three Month Vacation which meant that while I wasn’t inside the forum I was still getting a dose of Psychotactics during my morning walks. Sean has a way of interweaving what he’s newly created as well as reminding me of all the good stuff I’ve invested in previously. Just hearing him talk about topics, encourages me to dive back into all the good stuff I’ve invested in over the years. It’s all good. Old and new.
—Sean every day in the forum. I so appreciate this.
The specific feature I like most about 5000bc is:
Discovering conversations that Sean is having with other members that are applicable and beneficial to me. When I discover a thread started by another person in the cave, it’s like unwrapping a gift with a gem in it. The gift was intended for Susie (who asked the question) but I still get the benefit. I can still use it to help me in my business, in my writing and giving me another angle to my thinking on a topic.
Two other benefits:
1) Taking Action Forum
I have a love hate relationship with the ‘Taking Action Plans’. I love seeing and supporting people as they make progress on their projects. I also love taking a project and getting help and support from people in the Cave and Sean as I bring it to completion.
I hate the gentle nugging I get from fellow Cave members when I stop making progress on or abandon TAPs. When I am working alone at home on my projects there is no one that notices or calls me out when I abandon a project.
Starting a TAP forces me to be honest about what I am up to.
It also forces me to be honest about changing priorities. And finally, it forces me to give myself grace when I shift directions. There’s no one that points fingers and I appreciate that. They just wish me well.
2) Vanishing Reports
Downloaded the Vanishing Reports that were still available that I didn’t have. There is gold in those reports.
I do and have recommended 5000bc.
On a personal note, I appreciate that people in 5000bc get priority for signing up for courses.
Getting the email from Renuka that I was going to be one of the people who would be able to join the upcoming Landing Page course was such a relief. I hadn’t realized that I was concerned until I got the email. Knowing that Psychotactics courses often sell out in less than 30 minutes, I was actually anxious that I would get busy and miss the notice to sign up the day the registration for the course opened up. I had even put a reminder on my phone to watch for the email on February 27th. It was that important to me to be in the course.
Why did you decide to return to 5000bc?
I am been in several entrepreneur groups filled with quite a few coaches. One of the first things they tell you to do is raise your prices. Without looking at current pricing of 5000bc, I had assumed that Sean had followed the “internet” philosophy of raising prices. But cumulation of listening to The Three Month Vacation on those morning walks, had me check out the landing page for 5000bc. I was pleasantly surprised at how it continued to be affordable. Since I already knew the value of the forum, the affordability made it an immediate yes for me. I just hated that I had to wait again. 🙂
I am generally a lurker in most forums I am part of.
Renuka asking me to buddy another person who was doing her first TAP caused me to drop in more often. I didn’t want her to need support or encouragement and me not be in the forum.
Being a member of 5000bc has the added benefit of making me think about how I could implement a similar support system in my business and in my upcoming course. That is a recurring theme in my interactions with Psychotactics. I see Sean do something and I start to think and wonder how I can do something similar in my business. Finally, I jokingly wonder if Sean has a camera that is watching me all the time. He seems to have a knack for coming out with a new course at exactly the same time I am thinking I need help on a topic. It’s uncanny.
I recommend 5000bc especially if you're looking for a trustworthy business and marketing community to accelerate your learning.

Joseph Ch’ng
While the Internet is full of advice like SEO, advertising, copywriting – I personally found Psychotactics and 5000bc a different place – one I was seeking.
It has a HUMAN TOUCH, not just about commercial ROI, CTR, conversion rate etc.
It is full of people who runs a profitable business and live a fulfilling life. Sean and Renuka and many of the 5000bc facilitators are role models on this. You could be an in-house marketing professional or an entrepreneur, and this very supportive community is suitable for you.
I did not have confidence in online forums.
Most forums just spun out of control, there is no unified culture and endless off-topic discussions within a thread.
5000bc is actually a rare corner of the cyberspace, where people are really friendly and helpful.
And it is business-focused – so we get to ask all kinds of business and marketing questions, both newbie questions and advanced ones. Out there, some of these questions would have been shot down by self-proclaimed gurus as “stupid questions”, but not on 5000bc. Sean and the community embrace all kinds of users and questions, whether you’re a newbie, quiet reader, enthusiastic learner or energiser rabbit.
The specific feature I liked most about 5000bc:
The Vanishing Reports! These are like Sean’s latest research, distilled into bite-size reports. We get first access and to learn about different topics in a systematic way. Sean does all the hard work (which he enjoys), and we get the distillation 😀
Three other benefits:
- Meeting friends from the same country who share similar interests and learning enthusiasm.
- Knowing what other courses and products are coming up in the Psychotactics world (definitely a benefit!)
- Seeing trends of the latest updates in business and technology.
Please keep up the good work Sean and Renuka. Can’t wait to see you again soon!
5000bc provides a motivating and uplifting influence for moving forward with self improvement and entrepreneurial goals while avoiding distractions from gimmicky, one-dimensional gurus and social groups.

Rita Chorba,
The obstacles that would have prevented me from joining 5000bc were work priorities (time/energy) as an employee in a new job.
As a result of joining 5000bc I found that 5000bc provides systems, processes, and mindset advice to keep moving forward on projects both large and small, especially when one feels overwhelmed with other life commitments.
The specific feature I like most about 5000bc is that Sean and Renuka stick around and follow up 🙂
Three other benefits about 5000bc
Helpful peers and mentors, habit-based behavior change and goal progression, attention to energy conservation and resilience – all fundamental keys to success in business and life.
I would recommend 5000bc as:
It provides a motivating and uplifting influence for moving forward with self improvement and entrepreneurial goals while avoiding distractions from gimmicky, one-dimensional gurus and social groups.
Why did you decide to return to 5000bc?
I enjoy the insightful content related to systems and processes, marketing, article writing, and skill fluency. These topics have been invaluable to success in my new job as an employee, as well as my future aspirations for a revenue-producing side project.
Anything else you would like to add?
I am happy to be back.
I heard Sean talking about 5000bc a lot of times and praising the activities that happen in 5000bc. However, I didn’t take him so seriously.

Mayur Bardolia
Gujarat, India
“I have been listening to ‘The Three Months Vacation’ podcast for about 3-4 years. I heard Sean talking about 5000bc a lot of times and praising the activities that happen in 5000bc. However, I didn’t take him so seriously.
I didn’t feel the urgency to join.
About one or two years ago, I even added myself to the waiting list and Renuka sent me an invitation to join after 1-2 weeks. But still, I was not ready to join the 5000bc.
I again waited for a year.
In the meantime, I joined two membership sites by paying more than 5000bc.
I joined them after watching their flashy videos and presentation. They promised a lot but couldn’t really deliver any useful answer. It was more about the self-promotion membership site.
The members were bombarding each other the sales pitch. I felt cheated and I decided not to join any membership site.
Then I decided to give a try 5000bc.
And I thank myself for taking a decision to join 5000bc. My life has completely changed. I learned a lot of things from Sean. I learned how to have an abundant mindset and more importantly, I learned the skills that pay the bills.
I was surprised to find the response from Sean whenever someone asks any questions. Sean doesn’t answer in just one or two lines but lots of detail. He makes sure that everyone understands.
Not only does he answers the questions, but he also encourages people to ask him more questions.
There are tons of resources at 5000bc that can not be found anywhere.
Every single post is enlightening. The members are very kind and helpful. I feel like I am talking to angels who are giving me the solutions to every problem that I face in the business. The community is for small business owners just like me who understand my challenges precisely.
Apart from the main forum called ‘The Cave’ where people can find the answers to their questions, the most powerful feature is ‘Taking Action Forum’.
It’s a really powerful system. The ‘Taking Action Forum’ gave me a structure and a system to implement my goals more efficiently.
My productivity has skyrocketed.
As soon as I joined 5000bc, Renuka allocated a guide that helped me explore 5000bc and get the best out of 5000bc. She also arranged a buddy who helps me in ‘Taking Action Forum’ to make me accountable.
The buddy reminded me every day to stick to the plan and execute as I promised. On the other hand, I also have to do the same for my buddy. I think, ‘Taking Action Forum’ is a gamechanger.
I have been struggling to find the answers to many of the problems that were holding me back for years.
I found those answers from the previous posts. I not only found the answers to the questions related to marketing and sales but I also found the answers related to technical issues and even mindset issues.
Sean also publishes vanishing reports that are available for free for a limited time.
These vanishing reports are short reports that condense the information equals to 5-10 books. The vanishing reports are extremely insightful. I found a lot of free goodies around 5000bc that are sold for thousands of dollars by others.
Sean and Renuka are too humble to share such valuable content for free.
I made a mistake of not joining 5000bc a long time and I regret it.
I wish everyone who is running a small business with no or smaller team, should join 5000bc. This place is so good that you will not feel alone.
This place is definitely not for someone who is seeking for quick rich formula or would like to grow without doing any work.
Sean, Renuka and all other members are always there to help whenever I needed. I don’t hang out with friends a lot but I have to say that there are friends who are always available at 5000bc whenever I need them.
The value that I got from 5000bc is far more than I expected.
Whoever joins 5000bc will never be disappointed and that’s my guarantee. 5000bc has the philosophy of ‘Be Kind, Be Helpful and Be Gone’ and everyone at 5000bc strictly follows it. And I love it.”
5000bc is determined to help you get past the madness of your online business.

5000bc is determined to help you get past the madness of your online business.
- At 5000bc, fluff goes out of the window. You only get real people and real help.
- 5000bc is not about theory. You don’t just get more information you get more skilled.
- When you join most memberships, the founder/owner almost never shows up. The uniqueness of 5000bc is that Sean sticks around.
“He’s around 20 or 30 times a day. And when you ask a question, you will be amazed at the richness and detail in the answer. Sometimes he’ll write 4 or 5 articles, just for you–just to answer your question. That’s what makes 5000bc utterly unique.”
If you want to reclaim the sanity in your business, and move ahead then join us.
Click here to join 5000bc
Warm regards
Sean D’Souza
P.S. And if you are still not sure, you can read over 71 more testimonials here.